Published: August 14th, 2015
Publisher: Thought Catalog Books
Age Group: 15+
Pages: 98
Format: Paperback
Rating: ♥♥♥♥ (4,5)
Always deeply personal and unapologetic in her writing, Eastman has made a habit of inviting strangers into her life. In this collection of her best essays, she shares intimate bits with readers like: losing her father and virginity within 30 days, her ongoing battle with depression, and various lessons in love. Eastman reminds us the strength in vulnerability and how freeing it can be when we finally decide to tell the truth.
My thoughts on it:
First off, right now I'm going to be one of those cheesy people that starts a review with; this book spoke to my soul, at least better parts of it did. What I've read of this authors writing before (I Promised You I Wouldn't Write This), has been amazing as well, but this essay collection really put words to a lot of what I have been thinking, both lately, and in my 22 years of life. Ari writes about love, loss, loneliness and depression, and in most of the essays in this collection it was like reading something I could have written, but I would not be able to express myself as well as Ari Eastman does in this book.
Almost all of the essays in this book were perfect in my opinion, the only reason why I'm not giving this a full five heart/star rating is because there were a few of the essays that I didn't really connect with, and that is okay by me, because as a whole I think this collection deserves recognition for what it is. Which is amazing. I encourage you to support Ari's writing by picking up a copy of this, it is the type of book you can read slowly, one story at a time, or you can do what I did which is devour it in one sitting. I really appreciate books like this one, because I feel that they drag me into the present moment and forces me not only face what it is saying, but also myself, because I feel so at home in the narrative.
I do think that this is the type of book that you'll either hate, or you'll love, and in my case I love this book and would recommend it to anyone.
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